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Nursing home neglect and abuse is increasing. Despite us trusting these facilities to care and protect our elderly loved ones, they instead often endure physical and emotional harm.
Nursing home abuse takes many forms:
Neglect occurs when the facility fails to meet the appropriate standard of care, such as failing to provide adequate food, treatment, hygiene, or safe and sanitary living conditions. Pressure ulcers, bedsores, dehydration, and malnutrition are all signs of abuse.
Abuse occurs not only by staff striking or hurting residents, it also occurs if a patient is overmedicated or placed in restraints.
Sexual abuse may occur from a caregiver, another employee, another resident, or visitor. Often residents are too weak or ill to consent.
More than two (2) million cases of abuse are reported every year, and almost one (1) out of every ten (10) residents will experience some form of abuse. This is underreported and thus the numbers are much higher.
Over 40% of residents have reported abuse, and more than 90% report that they or another resident have been neglected;
According to a 2020 WHO report, 12% of nursing home staff members reported neglecting the needs of residents.

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If you suspect or are a loved one living in a nursing home has experienced abuse, contact us or submit your details online and someone will contact you shortly. There is no fee unless you receive compensation. We take a personalized approach to educate you on your rights and zealously investigate and fight for the justice you deserve.

If you were injured at work or became ill because of your job, worker's compensation insurance is there to protect you. Benefits include payment of medical bills, lost wages paid by temporary total disability benefits (2/3 of your average weekly salary), and if you can no longer perform your prior job, vocational retraining to help you find a new job. At the end of your case, when you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI), you may be entitled to permanent partial or total disability award or settlement. In the unfortunate incident where your loved one died as a result of a work injury death benefits are collectable.
Michael has been successfully litigating worker's compensation cases for over 26 years. Often times, clients are worried that by hiring an attorney, their employers will retaliate, or their benefits may end. Whether you simply file a claim with your employer's insurer, or whether you hire an attorney to file a formal claim, your rights are protected. It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee who files a worker's compensation claim.

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Also, injuries which aggravate pre-existing conditions or that were caused by repetitive stress (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) are covered. In situations when a party that is not the employer causes the work injury, an injured worker may be able to file a separate lawsuit against this party to collect additional damages. At Rothmann Law, we have the experience in obtaining the best results for you in both the worker's compensation and personal injury claims.

If you were injured on the job, you may be eligible for duty or occupational disability benefits.
Depending on whether you are a Chicago Police Officer or Suburban Police Officer, you have different rights and benefits.
1) PEDA:
Injured officers and public employees in Illinois can receive Public Employee Disability Benefits (5 ILCS 345/1). It provides 100% of the injured public employee's salary for 365 days, tax free. While PEDA is not available to Chicago police officers, they are entitled to 365 days medical leave for injuries.
2) After 365 days are over, officers must apply for Disability benefits, whether it be:
"on-duty" or "line of duty;"
"not line of duty" or "ordinary;"
or "occupational disease."
The application must be submitted before retirement or termination from the force.

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The Board will hold a hearing to determine whether the officer is disabled and which benefit the officer qualifies for. For duty disability benefits, Chicago officers are entitled to 75% of their salary, while officers outside Chicago receive 65%. The process in obtaining benefits is complicated and officers face an uphill battle.
At Rothmann Law, we know what evidence is needed to increase the chances of success before the Board, which often deny claims. However, only with a good record do you have a chance to reverse the Board's Decision on appeal.
Rothmann Law appreciates the sacrifices officers have made protecting our citizens, which is why we reduce our fees to pursue benefits on your behalf.

Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor, nurse, dentist, chiropractor, or hospital, etc. fails to act or acted beneath the standard of care of those with similar training and experience, resulting in harm to a patient or patients. In general, there are no guarantees of a medical result and you have to show that an injury resulted from the doctor's deviation from the appropriate standard of care for your condition.
If you think you have a medical malpractice claim, you need to talk to a lawyer who has experience in such work.
At Rothmann Law, we can help you answer questions as to whether you have such a claim. If you do, we are here to help.

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